An MCB circuit breaker is an automatically operating electrical switch designed to protect an electrical circuit from damage caused by overcurrent caused by overload or short circuit. MCB it is used for purposes such as protection of circuits against short-circuit currents, protection of circuits against overload currents, switches, isolation. It is also suitable for use in household installations, commercial and industrial electrical distribution systems. MCB circuit breakers are manufactured in accordance with EN 60898-1 standards.
Technical data of the network at the point under consideration: The short-circuit current at the installation point of the circuit breaker must always be less than the breaking capacity of this device.
Opening curves:
B-curve (3-5 In) provides protection for people and long cables in TN and IT systems.
C curve (5-10In) provides protection for resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
D curve (10-14In) circuits feeding loads with high inrush current at circuit closure (LV/LV transformers, fault lamps)
Provides protection for
Temperature Drops
The maximum current allowed in a circuit breaker depends on the ambient temperature in which the circuit breaker is placed. Ambient temperature is the temperature inside the switchboard or switchboard where the circuit breakers are installed. Reference temperature is 30°C
MCB Series
DEKO MBC-3 Series 4.5 kA
DEKO MBC-6 Series 6 kA
DEKO MBC-10 Series S 10 kA
DEKO MBC-H Series 10 kA
DEKO MBC-DPN Series 6 kA